Thank you for another year of exciting Tango journey with you. We shared warm smiles and embraces throughout 2018! Wishing all of you health, happiness, and more TANGO in the year 2019!
With Maestro Eduardo Saucedo @ Milonga San Anselmo
Noir City Film Festival with Fernando Lores 2016. Photo Credit: David Allen
Noir City Film Festival with Fernando Lores 2016 Photo Credit: David Allen
Noir City Film Festival with Fernando Lores 2016. Photo Credit: David Allen
Noir City Film Festival with Fernando Lores 2016. Photo Credit: David Allen
Performance at Salon Canning. August 2012
Performance at Salon Canning. with Maestra Graciela Gonzalez. August 2012
In Buenos Aires with Gran Maestros Carlos y Rosa Pérez. August 2012
Tango World Championship in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Representing USA. August 2012
Tango World Championship in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Representing USA. August 2012
2012 Argentine Tango USA Championship ( Ramada Salieri and I won the 1st place!
2012 Argentine Tango USA Championship ( Ramada Salieri and I won the 1st place!